Friday, April 9, 2010

Cool Quotes...

"Hope floats like lava beneath the crust of daily life." Philip Yancey Okay so think about lava, well let's think of it as magma because magma is underground and lava is above ground. (There is all that Science teacher poking thru again; igneous, metamorphic, whatever, I forgot it after I memorized it for 11th grade geology.).) No-matter, for serious. God still loves us, cuz, well, God made it all. So where is your hope? Does it burn and heat your life? Is it self sustaining in its heat when your "drive" cools? does it flow or just pool and cool off to hardened rock? Just questions I ask myself after hearing the quote this morning.......Now onto geology..... is a great video of pillow basalt. (Oops sorry, basalt is the rock formed by the cooling, rather quick cooling, of magma.) The faster it cools the smaller the crystals, the slower it cools the larger the crystals = granite. (go look at a granite slab supplier to see the size of the crystals.) Or just look at a kitchen with granite counter tops. So back to magma and lava.....did ya know lava cools and forms two different type as of surface rock? So those of you who did, well that's cool but for those of you who did not here are the two types. Aa adn Pahoehoe, for serious. I think Aa lave agot its name from the sound, or screams people made from walking across it...... and pahoehoe means rope in a coiled rope. Wikipedia has some great info..... Keep hope alive, or at least on a simmer below the surface, Tony

Monday, April 5, 2010

Custom Lisence Plate of the Century

Okay I have officially seen the coolest most creative plate ever, for me at least. It was a washington State Plate: PANDNH4 Here is your clue: crazy chemistry. (It took me a bit of the drive to figure it out but I have a science background.) Tony

We are in...

So the earth around us moved last night, find info from last night's Mag 2 shaker here:
There is actually a link where you can submit your experience of the quake, it's pretty cool. Now on to house updates...
We finally made the big move last week and are into the house, thanks to a couple great mover helpers. It is wonderful to be moved but awuful to be reminded of how much stuff we have. We are deep into the purging process. If you come visit you will be forced to leave with something from the discard pile in Emma's room.
The two houses are but a few feet, around 60, apart. I constructed a "ramp" of sorts to bridge the gap so as to make the move smoother and track less dirt into the new house. The inspector siging off on our final pointed at it and asked, "Temporary?" To which the builder sheepishly responed, "Yes." It worked great for the move. The dollies rolled across without a problem and there were less steps to haul couches and big stuff up and down. The newly finished floor was protected with several large cardboard boxes broken down flat. The fireplace is doing a marvelous job heating the house, althought we have not figured out the wood storage arrangement yet. The two side cabinets are Ikea. Now to tackle the A/V wiring.
The kitchen flows great and we tested it out yesterday with an impromptu Easter dinner gathering of 16 folks. A bit stressful but all went well and there was even leftover ham.
Here is and entrance view of the powder room downstairs just off the kitchen and passed the now full shelved and stocked pantry.
Jonathan and the twins resting with Sodhi on Easter afternoon.
The boys upstairs "War" room is now fully opperational.
Master bedroom a-la, , thanks Tisha. Now I'm not allowed to touch anything. "AND DON'T USE THOSE PILLOWS, THOSE ARE THROW PILLOWS, YOU DON"T ACUTUALLY USE THEM, THEY'RE FOR DECORATION." (You mean you don't throw them?) I think I have to levitate at all times in my own bedroom.
All for now, Tony