The Olympic trials for USA Track and Field start today, in Eugene OR. I can hardly wait for the TV coverage and on my birthday too. WooHoo!
Gabe woke up early, around 3 am, the other day and decided to go snuggle with Sodhi, our golden doodle. We found Gabe at 8am zonked out on Sodhi’s cedar beg and Sodhi standing next to him staring at this human spread eagle taking all his space. They have a special bond.
I have been collecting 12 foot long 4x4’s from an aerospace company near the church for the purpose of building a camping shelter in the woods for the boys…and me. The company receives parts and supplies on these pallets each made with three such 4x4’s. The pallets, when emptied, are tossed out, but not anymore. I have been hauling them home and with the help of my boys ripping off the cross pieces to get to the 4x4’s. The base of the shelter is a semi-level 12x9 platform of 30 4x4’s set up on cinder blocks. The walls are framed with the same recycled wood ripped lengthwise into 12 foot long 2x4’s. Right now I am designing bunks for the side walls and a table to go don the middle of the room. (I will have to post a photo soon.) The hardest part of the whole deal is getting the wood down into the wooded ravine. My goal is to have the structure completed by August 23rd, the day we are hosting a 3-D Archery shoot.
Jonathan has been away at a summer camp in Bellingham for the week. Ama and Daco have loved having him and watching him make new friends. It has been great for us to have Gabe by him self, he is such an interesting little guy. We are heading up to get older brother tonight.
Cool You tube BASE jumping vid:
Cheryl was the featured artist in the latest Monroe Arts Council Art Walk. Her photos are covering the walls of a local vintage and used clothing shop on Main St, she even booked a shoot from the exposure.
Edit: Here is the camping structure...
That’s it for now, Tony
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