Monday, December 1, 2008


That whooshing sound you it wasn't Superman, it was November.
The month of November 2008 has come and gone and with it a few life changes and updates.
Gabriel still fits in the dryer and has yet to produce two new teeth to replace his missing from chompers. He starts winter Basketball season tonight.
Jonathan just finished a fun soccer season, making new friends along the way. The team had a great time improving their skills and working together.
Cheryl and I have now reached 12 years of marriage. We celebrated with a relaxing "boy-less" dinner out.
I am now unemployed. The last month was a challenging time for me professionally and personally. It became apparent my current job did not have the ability to meet some basic family priorities. I fought with this realization for a time and in doing so learned a lot about myself and my behavior patterns. Cheryl and I have begun a new marriage chapter (#12) as we work hard to become a stronger couple, better parents and attain our family goals. We are both very excited about the future for the four of us resting in the knowledge that God has everything under control and we only need to know the next few steps. We have been very blessed over the past 12 years and know that the path we have chosen remains the same. It will be an interesting month of December and 2009. We love you all very much and appreciate your support.

I can' quite find the words to describe what Gabe's sketch stirs deep in me but I know I will do whatever I can to keep holding his (and Jonathan's) hand.


P.S. Anyone hiring?


Anonymous said...

Gabe is quite the artist. It even kinda looks like you... no hair and all. All the best. J

Tony Robinson said...

I'm guessing that would be the Jank?