Friday, September 25, 2009

Study Break: AKA "Motorcycles at the Farm"

Here are a few pics of Gabe and me blowing off some steam at the farm...
Gabe took a tremendous spill when he was closelined by a wire. He was full throttle crossing the bridge and hit a fence wire across the face opening on his helmet. He was lifted off the bike flipped upside down and landed on his face. Two scrapes and a flooded engine was the final score. So we had to ride together for a bit. He actually crashed again on the rough dirt and when I caught up with him (two pictures above) I asked, "What did ya hit?" As in what part of your body was hurt. Gabe's reply, "The ground."
We went out to the far reaches of the pasture to the stream to explore. I wanted to try and cross the muddy stream but Gabe thought the mud was to deep.........later on I discovered Gabe was right. And after the "Hike of Shame" back to the house, I humbly admitted my blunder to a round of laughter; Cheryl, Gabe and Scott.
We had to go get Papa Scott and his handy 6-wheeler to pull me out.
I guess it pays to listen to the little ones when they REALLY know what they are talking about. I didn;t go over the handle bars but the stop was instant and the mud was indeed to deep, thick and gooey for my machine. It was still a really fun time and the bike still ran great.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The House: Week Two Update

Not much to update, except the foundation is in and the thing is shaping up QUICKLY. The boys are doing well with not having a sport court to play on. But the the real challenge is that we can no longer park Chery's car in the garage.....we will NEVER be able to park a car in our old garage due to the fact that the new house is blocking half the driveway. The price you pay.
In other news..... Cheryl is doing well with no front yard. Sohdi seems to be liking the new smells and new texture. The boys LOVE IT! and they are healthy and doing well in this new school year. My job is going well also. I have my first exam this Sunday where I will have to perform practical demonstrations on all the Engine tools and complete a written portion as well. It will go well as I have prepared a ton.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Day Two: The Hole

Here is where we are at now..... 24 hours in. The forms will go in tomorrow and then we wait for inspection before pouring.


If your morning starts like this GO BACK TO BED!

One little ground got stuck in the auto drip thingy so I was gingerly trying to get it to flow correctly when all of a sudden a gnome, rappelling from a remote copter, crashed through the window in full SWAT battle gear and accessory accouterments, kicked me in the forehead with a round house (I'm short), smeared toothpaste in my left eye, shoved a kiwi in my right ear and just before vanishing through the stove hood, he slicked the kitchen floor with Crisco. So, off balance, half blind and slightly hard if hearing I ever-so gently carefully tapped the coffee filter holder just enough to dislodge it and have it neatly flip over to land as seen above. The resulting spill pattern, framing the "coffee corner", suggests a TICKED OF MAN IN NEED OF A MORNING CUP O JOE!!!

By the way those dark purple orbs off to the left are not really purple taters from our garden they are grenades I wrestled from the %$@&-ing gnome. If he comes back I'm gunna shove one down his.............never mind...I need a cup of coffee.



We're building a house!

The building permits were issued by Snohomish county and we are off and running. We are working with a friend who has a custom construction company, you can find him at: Today we, actually Gordy and his son Jordan, broke up the slab/sportcourt to make space for the foundation. Here is the view from the roof of the existing garage.

Before...................and after.

Then all the chunks of concrete were pushed off to the side to clear the way for the foundation. Today we will be digging the hole and Friday will be the day for the forms to be placed.

The boys were at school when this all happened. Their eyes were huge when they came home and found their sport court GONE! Tony