Thursday, September 24, 2009

The House: Week Two Update

Not much to update, except the foundation is in and the thing is shaping up QUICKLY. The boys are doing well with not having a sport court to play on. But the the real challenge is that we can no longer park Chery's car in the garage.....we will NEVER be able to park a car in our old garage due to the fact that the new house is blocking half the driveway. The price you pay.
In other news..... Cheryl is doing well with no front yard. Sohdi seems to be liking the new smells and new texture. The boys LOVE IT! and they are healthy and doing well in this new school year. My job is going well also. I have my first exam this Sunday where I will have to perform practical demonstrations on all the Engine tools and complete a written portion as well. It will go well as I have prepared a ton.

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